Ok.....here I go!
Why am I doing this?
Well a few months ago I had an MRI which diagnosed a bulging disc.....I have been in pain with it since the end of last year. I work 3 days per week and my boss is very good about my back pain, allowing me to sit down when possible and do the jobs that can be done freeing up one or more of my colleagues to do the jobs I struggle with. This also goes for when my Fibromyalgia flares up.
Four weeks ago, after reaching down to get paper off the printer, I went to stand up, got halfway up and felt POP! in my back. I couldn't move, up or down, and went a funny shade of green according to one of my friends! I was off the next day so chilled on my electric heated blanket and took as many of my painkillers that I could.
I went into work on the Friday thinking if I could manage 1 more day I could have the weekend to recover......wishful thinking on my part. I saw the doctor on the Monday and was signed off work for 2 weeks and as that was coming to an end I knew I wasn't going to be able to cope in work so was signed off again for another 2 weeks. This doctor has also done me a referral to the Back Specialist Physio....fingers crossed that comes through soon.
This brings you up to date.....except that I am still in pain, can't walk/stand/sit for very long and there is no way on this earth I am fit to do 8 hours in work!
So for now this is where I am up to physically.....the back pain is getting me down emotionally, so I am distracting myself with craft. More on that next time!
For now, gentle hugs to you all x